About Us

At Umely, we are more than just an AI consultancy agency; we are pioneers, visionaries, and collaborators on a mission to revolutionize the way businesses leverage artificial intelligence.


Our journey began with a simple yet profound realization: that AI has the power to transform industries, disrupt markets, and drive unprecedented growth. With this belief at our core, we set out to build a company that not only harnesses the potential of AI but also empowers others to do the same.

About The Founder: Sonny de Leeuw

My mission is simple: to make the transformative power of AI technology accessible to everyone.


My journey into AI began in 2022 with the launch of a comparison website designed to help professionals and businesses find the right AI tools. This platform provides detailed evaluations of nearly 100 AI tools, including insights into their pricing, features, and more. Even though this is not our main business anymore, these reviews are still accessible if you click on ‘Reviewed AI Tools’ in the header of our site.


Through thorough testing of these tools, I have gained a deep expertise in AI, which I now use to help companies effectively utilize this technology. In the fast-evolving AI landscape, my primary focus in this business is always staying up to date, continuously innovating, and enhancing our services. This commitment ensures that we remain at the cutting edge of innovation, offering strategies and recommendations that are always at the forefront.

At Umely, we believe that the benefits of AI should not be reserved exclusively for big tech giants. With the right knowledge and tools, every business, regardless of size, can benefit from what AI has to offer. Our goal is to bridge this gap and empower organizations with solutions that make a real impact.


Are you ready to explore how AI can transform your business? Contact me for a free consultation. You will receive actionable tips and insights on how you can use artificial intelligence to your advantage.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Sonny will guide you through the AI world!

Umely AI
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